I’m by Your Side

I’m by Your Side

Written by: Stage and TV scriptwriter Cheung Fei FanOn a Saturday morning, I took my five-and-a-half-year-old son and three-and-a-half-year-old daughter to volunteer for flag selling for the first time. The little rascals were initially thrilled, but after the excitement wore off in three minutes, both of them started clamoring to go home. As parents, we of course understood; firstly, the weather was hot, and young children have limited patience; secondly, the streets were bustling with traffic and pedestrians rushing back and forth, and with their small...
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Motivating children to study hard without relying on rewards and punishments

Motivating children to study hard without relying on rewards and punishments

Written by: Founder and Volunteer Secretary-General of GLP, Lam Ho Pei Yee Everyone already possesses an intrinsic motivation, and people have long had the desire to do things well. This is precisely why when we give children external rewards and punishments, trying to interfere with their behavior, their performance becomes worse, such as killing creativity, reducing judgment, and other negative effects, which are the bad consequences that rewards can bring. Whether it is material or psychological rewards, although they can temporarily stimulate children's enthusiasm, they cannot help...
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Is learning and cultivating art really that important?

Is learning and cultivating art really that important?

Written by: Pario Arts, Officer Lee Sou Jing I have been engaged in education for many years and have encountered many parents who choose "quick and decisive" courses or extracurricular activities for their children, aiming for short-term results. It can be said that this approach is somewhat utilitarian. Conversely, they tend to underestimate courses or extracurricular activities that are non-utilitarian and focus on aesthetics. What typically captures parental attention is whether their children can participate in competitions, whether there are certifications or notable achievements in academic subjects...
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The reasons for a child’s reluctance to go to school

The reasons for a child’s reluctance to go to school

Source:  Psychiatrist, Dr. Leung Yuen Shan Several months ago, a girl began refusing to go to school. Initially, it was just a reluctance to attend school, but after a few weeks, she started hiding in her room, experiencing issues with eating and sleeping. Later on, she became very irritable, had negative thoughts, and even had difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and started feeling anxious. She also couldn't sleep at night and wanted her mom to be with her, but her mother had to work and couldn't stay...
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Don’t treat books as miracle cure

Don’t treat books as miracle cure

Parent-child reading senior worker: Choi EE Do parents face many issues when it comes to shared reading? One common issue I often share with parents is that when their children encounter problems like bedwetting or fear of the dark, they often ask me, 'Is there a book that can help them solve this problem?' In the context of shared reading, we purposefully use a book to influence the child, hoping it will eliminate their fears, stop bedwetting, or improve their performance. In reality, this goal can create...
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How to help children who are rather clumsy?

How to help children who are rather clumsy?

Family Marriage & Art Therapist, Ko Wing Oi (Wendy) Parents often mention that their children are clumsy, often tripping or dropping things easily. This is related to hand-eye coordination and even the development of finger muscles. Many toys are now designed to train a child's finger muscles from as early as a few months old. Many parents are aware that various games can train finger muscles. But besides finger muscles, how can we train children to handle, grasp, or manipulate objects using their fingers? Balance is also crucial. In...
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The four major preparations for enrolling in first grade

The four major preparations for enrolling in first grade

Source: Senior Parenting Education Expert Bally In fact, preparing for the transition to first grade can be more stressful and time-consuming. If you were to ask me, I would recommend that parents should start from Pre-Nursery to "analyze first and then plan." But how to analyze first? Many parents are not entirely clear about the various types of schools in Hong Kong. For instance, we have traditional government-subsidized schools, Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) schools, private schools, and international schools. What are the differences between these types of schools?...
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Is your eye sensitive when the seasons change? What is keratoconus?

Is your eye sensitive when the seasons change? What is keratoconus?

Source: Ophthalmologist,Yu Wang Hon During seasonal changes, children often rub their eyes, and their eyes may become watery, mostly due to eye allergies. About 10 to 20 percent of children experience eye allergies, and the severity can vary depending on the season, with more severe cases occurring in the fall and winter. Common symptoms when children have eye allergies include redness of the eyes, eye swelling, frequent eye rubbing, dark circles under the eyes, and excessive tearing. Sometimes, there may also be swelling of the eyelids and conditions...
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Did not take medicine when sick, waiting for the body to recover on its own and then develop antibodies?

Did not take medicine when sick, waiting for the body to recover on its own and then develop antibodies?

Source:Pediatric Specialist Doctor, Chiu Cheung Shing When children get sick, some parents may become very anxious and immediately take their child to the doctor or give them medicine. However, some parents believe that if they wait for a while, the child will naturally recover. In reality, this approach is somewhat correct to a certain extent. For mild illnesses like the common cold or cough, allowing the child to rest can help them develop some antibodies that can protect them from future infections. However, parents should be aware...
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Be a parent with multiple expressions and poses!

Be a parent with multiple expressions and poses!

Written: Founder & Volunteer Director of Good Love Passion, Lam Ho Pui YeeWhen a child is around 6 months old, they start babbling, constantly making sounds and single words. They also enjoy playing with toys that make sounds. However, even before they learn to speak, they already understand how to communicate with the people around them using crying, sounds, facial expressions, gestures, or body language. In fact, children first learn to communicate with people using facial expressions and gestures, then they learn verbal communication, and finally,...
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Is parent-child reading becoming stressful?

Is parent-child reading becoming stressful?

Is parent-child reading becoming stressful?Parent-child reading senior worker: Choi EE Do you have kids who insist on you telling them stories? And not just any stories, they want you to keep going. When you come home from work, they have a stack of books and won't eat until you finish all of them or want you to keep going for two hours. This is a common issue that I frequently encounter in my lectures. Parents, think about it: when you engage in parent-child reading with your kids,...
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Exercise to strengthen the brain function. Three moves to make children love sports

Exercise to strengthen the brain function. Three moves to make children love sports

I participated in a professional development exchange program for teachers in Taiwan earlier, and I was inspired by the emphasis on sports in Taiwan education, which I would like to share with parents. One of the schools on the exchange was the "Tiger Forest Elementary School", a version of the Sports Institute Elementary School. As soon as we entered the school, the students welcomed us with a gymnastic exercise promoted by the government. They moved their hands and feet together to the beat and made all...
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Do not let children rely too much on the use of e-learning. <br>Diversified learning is more helpful to enhance interest

Do not let children rely too much on the use of e-learning.
Diversified learning is more helpful to enhance interest

Written by: Director of Program Development, Carmen Leung In the midst of the epidemic, there is a wide range of educational animations or online children's programs for parents to choose from. Many parents also download different tablet apps for their children to use in the hope that they can learn through interactive or interesting images and sounds. Which animations and apps are good for children's learning? What should parents pay attention to when using multimedia to help their children learn? Time to use e-learning according to age In early...
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Self-protection mechanism of children

Self-protection mechanism of children

Written by: Psychotherapist Lee Wai-Tong, Unleashing Mind Professional  Counselling Academy One day, a colleague told me that he/she had received a call from a mother who was anxious to bring her son to see me. On the phone, I learned that the boy had pointed a knife at his neck several times in the past month, threatening his mother to give her change to buy snacks, or else he would stab himself in the neck. The mother, on one hand, of course, was surprised at her son's behavior, and...
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(Video) Event Highlight on Play with Your Children Day

(Video) Event Highlight on Play with Your Children Day

Activities of the "Playtime with Children" series aim to encourage parents to play with their children, increase mutual communication, build a stronger bond and enhance their relationship. To let parents understand the importance of play to children’s development, the Education Bureau (EDB) organised a territory-wide “Play with Your Children Day” on 11 December 2022 at Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School.  On that day, the Under Secretary for Education, Mr Sze Chun-fai was the officiating guest and kicked started...
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Parent-child tips – Ten health tips for parents to guide children to use the Internet and electronic screen products

Parent-child tips – Ten health tips for parents to guide children to use the Internet and electronic screen products

(Chinese Version Only) Source: https://www.parent.edu.hk/article/ten-tips-online
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(Chinese Version Only)因應學校由2023年2月起逐步有序恢復全日面授課堂,教育局於2023年1月26日在「校園‧好精神」網站推出「校園復常‧好精神」專頁,為學校及家長提供多元化的實用資源﹙如錦囊、資源包及短片等﹚,協助他們提升一般學生的適應力、及早識別有精神健康風險的學生,以及就學生的不同需要﹙包括有精神病患的學生及有自閉症的學生等﹚提供針對性支援,幫助學生重拾正常的學習和社交生活。 提升一般學生的適應力方面,家長可參考「協助子女適應全日面授課堂」小貼士,儘早與子女建立常規,以及妥善分配作息時間等。此外,由臨床心理學家主講的「壓力處理我有計」家長教育短片已上載及連接至專頁,方便家長觀看。 及早識別有精神健康風險的學生方面,家長可於「認識及支援有自我傷害行為的學生」專頁下載「如何幫助有自我傷害行為的學生」家長小冊子,及早留意警號,協助子女處理其困擾。 教育局亦針對學生的不同需要﹙例如有精神病患的學生及有自閉症的學生等﹚提供建議及資源,幫助學生處理壓力及焦慮。對於有精神病患的子女,家長可參考「關愛孩子好精神」家長教育系列,以了解不同種類的精神病患的徵狀、處理方法及家校支援策略,系列內的八個小冊子均備有中文、英文及八種少數族裔語文版本。對於有自閉症的子女,家長可參考「全日上學去 - 協助有自閉症的學生適應全日面授課堂」家長錦囊,透過具體的建議行動清單,與子女一起迎接校園生活。 我們期望學校和家長共同努力支援學生,強化他們的抗逆能力,並提升他們的適應能力。如察覺學生面對壓力,學校和家長應多向他們表達關心,並幫助他們運用有效的方法照顧自己的精神健康。Source:家長智NET (https://www.parent.edu.hk/en/article/resumeschooling)
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How to Help Children Overcome Procrastination

How to Help Children Overcome Procrastination

Source:家長智NET (https://www.parent.edu.hk/en/article/helpingchild)
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(Video) Parental care and love help children grow up with confidence

(Video) Parental care and love help children grow up with confidence

The Education Bureau has produced a new Television Announcements in Public Interest (TV API) on positive parent education, along with a newly released theme song of the Positive Parent Campaign, “Accompany Your Child to Grow Up with Love” sung by Singer Ms. Cindy Au, with an aim to promote to the parents and the public the proper ways and attitudes on nurturing children. The TV API is titled “Parental care and love help children grow up with confidence”. In the video, members of the Light Family,...
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Wear face mask for long time during Epidemic. How to make children learn to “look at people’s eyebrows and eyes”?

Wear face mask for long time during Epidemic. How to make children learn to “look at people’s eyebrows and eyes”?

Written by: Hong Kong Speech and Swallowing Therapy CentreSenior Speech Therapist Eunice SiuIn our daily interactions with others, we not only observe others' behaviors, but also "explain" and "predict" others' behaviors. Theory of mind is the ability to infer or substitute other people's mental states, such as their thoughts, beliefs, desires, and intentions, etc., and to use this ability to explain other people's thoughts, perceptions, and predict their behaviors. Theory of mind can be subdivided into "emotion recognition", "beliefs" and "pretend play".The developmental period for children's...
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To love children, first to love themselves, 3 moves to teach you to maintain the best mental state

To love children, first to love themselves, 3 moves to teach you to maintain the best mental state

Written by :Family Dynamics Child Play Therapist                   Marriage and Family Therapist, Ms. Lee Wai Zi In today's society, it is indeed not easy for parents to maintain a good state of mind and body. I have met with many parents and found that the difficulty most parents face is not that they do not understand their children's feelings and needs, or that they do not know how their behavior affects their children, but that it is difficult to...
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I’m by Your Side

Written by: Stage and TV scriptwriter Cheung Fei Fan On a Saturday morning, I took my five-and-a-half-year-old son and three-and-a-half-year-old daughter to volunteer for flag selling for the first time. The little rascals were initially thrilled, but after the excitement wore off in three minutes, both of them started clamoring to go home. As parents, we of course understood; firstly, the weather was hot, and young children have limited patience; secondly, the streets were bustling with traffic and pedestrians rushing back and forth, and with their small statures, they were soon lost in the crowd. Passersby hurried on their way, paying no attention to them. The two little “emperors,” who are usually the center of attention,

Motivating children to study hard without relying on rewards and punishments

Written by: Founder and Volunteer Secretary-General of GLP, Lam Ho Pei Yee   Everyone already possesses an intrinsic motivation, and people have long had the desire to do things well. This is precisely why when we give children external rewards and punishments, trying to interfere with their behavior, their performance becomes worse, such as killing creativity, reducing judgment, and other negative effects, which are the bad consequences that rewards can bring. Whether it is material or psychological rewards, although they can temporarily stimulate children’s enthusiasm, they cannot help children develop long-term behavioral habits, nor can they make their performance better.   How can parents motivate children to study hard without solely relying on rewards and punishments?

Is learning and cultivating art really that important?

Written by: Pario Arts, Officer Lee Sou Jing   I have been engaged in education for many years and have encountered many parents who choose “quick and decisive” courses or extracurricular activities for their children, aiming for short-term results. It can be said that this approach is somewhat utilitarian. Conversely, they tend to underestimate courses or extracurricular activities that are non-utilitarian and focus on aesthetics. What typically captures parental attention is whether their children can participate in competitions, whether there are certifications or notable achievements in academic subjects or talents.   Long-term Impact of Art Education on Children   I firmly believe that under a utilitarian education system, there will be profound and lasting effects on

The reasons for a child’s reluctance to go to school

Source:  Psychiatrist, Dr. Leung Yuen Shan   Several months ago, a girl began refusing to go to school. Initially, it was just a reluctance to attend school, but after a few weeks, she started hiding in her room, experiencing issues with eating and sleeping. Later on, she became very irritable, had negative thoughts, and even had difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and started feeling anxious. She also couldn’t sleep at night and wanted her mom to be with her, but her mother had to work and couldn’t stay with her, so she sought medical advice. A child’s refusal to attend school is causing a lot of anxiety for many parents. Skipping school for a day or